455w mercury bulbs before ActiveLED consuming more than 13,392 KWh energy
72w LED fixtures after ActiveLED consuming less than 2,044 KWh energy
Why did LBJ Foodmart go with the LED solution?
Investment $6000
Lighting Energy Savings $1800yr
Bulbs Savings x ? $100
Electrician x ? $100
First Year Payback 25%
3yr Payback period ROI = $18000 10yr payback period ROI
85% Reduction in Lighting Energy!
Guaranteed Light for 10 years!
No more Bulbs to change!
Better Light at less watts than any other LED lighting company! http://www.activeled.com/
We design, manufacture and integrate the highest of quality German inspired Texas Made 6w LED lighting fixtures. We bring commerical, industrial and utility lighting applications designed with permanence in mind. Our Ringdale ActiveLED Solutions reduce lighting energy in the range of 75-95%. Our entire manufacturing history spands 34 years and bringing innovative networking and energy saving products. The plan forward is reduce the lighting energy and HVAC first , then we go 100% off grid solar!